Where to Watch: Zee5, Netflix This Epic Action Indian-Telugu movie was recently released in March 2022. Rama Rao Jr., Ram Charan, Ajay Devgn, Alia Bhatt, Shriya Saran, Samuthirakani, Ray Stevenson, Alison Doody, Olivia Morris Though the movie was initially released in the Kannada language, it is also available in other languages like Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam. In order to accomplish his vows to his mother, he has to go through numerous challenges in the form of Adheera, Inayat Khalil, and Ramika sen. He is a man of the hour and a rescuer to Narachi people. In the sequel part, the son of Anand Ingalgi, Vijendra Ingalgi, carries on with the story of KGF and Rocky, who keeps his body and soul together with the assault by Vanaram’s guards after murdering Garuda. It is an Indian-Kannada language movie and is the second part of the 2018 movie K.G.F: Chapter 1.
Where to Watch: Amazon Prime K.G.F: Chapter 2 is the latest name in the 2022 Tamil dubbed Hindi movies list. Star Cast: Yash, Srinidhi Shetty, Prakash Raj, Archana Jois, Sanjay Dutt, Raveena Tandon Vedalam Tamil Movie Dubbed in Hindi (2015)